The Illustrations:
The Yahoo! team asked me to create 6 illustrations for their campaign. 3 pairs of images for 3 different sports (diving, gymnastics and running). We have developed 4 images for running because we wanted to represent celebration and victory too.

The panoramic illustrations:
I have created panoramic versions of 4 of the illustrations to be applied to the banner format.

The applications:
These are some of the applications that Yahoo! created. Banners, splash screens for logging-in and animations.

The details:
Here are some details of the illustrations.
Here are some details of the illustrations.

Credits, references, thanks:
Agency: Yahoo! Internal Creative Department
Creative Director: Jared Kozel
Executive Producer: Jamie Ybarra
Creative Director: Jared Kozel
Executive Producer: Jamie Ybarra
You can see high resolution versions of these illustrations on my Flickr.
Credit is due to my teachers that have taught me to love Gestalt psychology. The principles and ideas of this school lie behind this type of work. A special reference to Nino Di Salvatore, Augusto Garau and Bruno Munari all of whom are members of MAC (Movimento Arte Concreta) a meta-futurist movement in post WWII Italy that has influenced a lot of my work. I also have to mention Carlo Nangeroni who's influence is also incredibly significant in all my work.
Photographic references have been used from photos downloaded from Shutterstock.
Many thanks to the Yahoo! team and especially Jamie and Jared.
These illustrations have been made with a series of tools including (Synthetik Studio Artist and the Adobe Creative Suite) on my Mac.
Enjoy the Games!
P.S. Visit Olympia, Greece. It's a Once-In-A-Lifetime experience!