Two Roses: A mosaic with two faces
This is an art piece applied in two sides of a plexiglas. A mosaic for the look of love and the beauty of nature.
A series of 7 special prints on plexiglass. The very first is donated to the Alzheimer Hellas (Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders) for their charity exhibition at the art gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies in Thessaloniki (May 22, 2017 - June 11,2017).
Size: 31,5 x 71 inches (80 x 180 cm)
Printed on both sides of a 15 mm thick plexiglass. Metallic base.
Printed by Quality Printing Solutions S.A. with SwissQ systems.
Miniature artwork printed by Apolyto Creative Spot.
Exhibition photos by Panagiotis Metallinos.
The two mosaics:

Some details:

In the gallery:

And a miniature print that lives on my desktop...

Many thanks to Glykeria Tsapikidou and everyone @ Altzheimer Hellas, Stefanos Makrigiannis and everyone @, Marianna Lourba and everyone @Apolyto Creative Spot, Panagiotis Metallinos and mostly Vera Konstanta.