Title: Lio Messi: The fragments of Barcelona (in Catalan)
A personal project. Studies on Trencadís, pique assiette and mosaics.
A tribute to Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini, the city and FC Barcelona.
Barcelona. What a city! Full of art, full of passion, full of beauty.
A personal project. Studies on Trencadís, pique assiette and mosaics.
A tribute to Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini, the city and FC Barcelona.
Barcelona. What a city! Full of art, full of passion, full of beauty.
I have many personal reasons to love the Catalan capital. But personal motivs apart, as an artist with a long time and serious passion for mosaics I couldn't ignore the immense contribution of Barcelona to our art form. So I have decided to dedicate some serious times to study the heritage of Antoni Gaudí, Josep Maria Jujol and many others. I have mainly focused on the Trencadís technique. Trencadís means brittle in Catalan and it's a type of mosaic used in Catalan modernism, created from broken tile shards. Gaudi was using ceramic tiles but also broken parts of dinnerware to decorate his incredible works.
The technique is also called pique assiette. In French this means "one who eats from others' plates". I really love this phrase and this concept. Art is nothing else as reusing elements from nature or other's creativity to create beauty, to communicate messages or to express ideas. And I find that artists like Gaudi have found the perfect balance between the natural and the artificial, the traditional and the modern, the old and the new, the local and the international. This is why their art has so much to teach us.
I have chosen Messi as the main figure for my studies with Trencadis. I believe that sports, especially at the level of Messi is probably another art form. Athletes like Messi are also performers, actors, dancers. And their actions are not limited to football only. They go beyond sports to politics, social issues, arts...
Why Messi, an Argentinian as a symbol for Barcelona? Because this guy is a proud Argentinian but at the same time he is also a son of Barcelona. His life is so much attached to the city and its team. I also believe that frontiers and barriers seems totally clueless when it comes to geniuses like him. They belong to the places they love and chosen to live and create. So Messi is Argentinian, Spanish, Italian (his family immigrated to Argentina from Ancona) and many more. He makes people happy and passionate all around the world. Exactly as the art of Gaudi or the art of all of us.
So here are the 8 first mosaics I created as a tribute to Lio Messi, the city and FC Barcelona. The funny thing is that I am a Real Madrid and a Cristiano Ronaldo fan. But I also believe that if you love sports and art you can't help it to admire what Lio Messi and his team mates have achieved the last 10 years.
Why Messi, an Argentinian as a symbol for Barcelona? Because this guy is a proud Argentinian but at the same time he is also a son of Barcelona. His life is so much attached to the city and its team. I also believe that frontiers and barriers seems totally clueless when it comes to geniuses like him. They belong to the places they love and chosen to live and create. So Messi is Argentinian, Spanish, Italian (his family immigrated to Argentina from Ancona) and many more. He makes people happy and passionate all around the world. Exactly as the art of Gaudi or the art of all of us.
So here are the 8 first mosaics I created as a tribute to Lio Messi, the city and FC Barcelona. The funny thing is that I am a Real Madrid and a Cristiano Ronaldo fan. But I also believe that if you love sports and art you can't help it to admire what Lio Messi and his team mates have achieved the last 10 years.
The mosaics:

Lionel Messi: Per a vostè (Lionel Messi: For you)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (8334 x 11000 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (8334 x 11000 pixels)

Lionel Messi: El poder i el cervell (Lionel Messi: The power and the brain)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (14431 x 10000 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (14431 x 10000 pixels)

Lionel Messi: És un bell dia (Lionel Messi: It's a beautiful day)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (20000 x 24545 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (20000 x 24545 pixels)

Lionel Messi: Sota el sol Català (Lionel Messi: Under the Catalan sun)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (11000 x 16025 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (11000 x 16025 pixels)

Lionel Messi: Trenca les regles (Lionel Messi: Break the rules)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (8609 x 11000 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (8609 x 11000 pixels)

Lionel Messi: El somriure (Lionel Messi: The smile)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (7784 x 10500 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (7784 x 10500 pixels)

Lionel Messi: La passió, el pecat i el miracle (Lionel Messi: The passion, the sin and the miracle)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (10498 x 14000 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (10498 x 14000 pixels)

Lionel Messi: La brúixola (Lionel Messi: The compass)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (18000 x 24632 pixels)
Click to enlarge | High resolution file here (18000 x 24632 pixels)
The details:
These artworks are created to be viewed in very big sizes. You can click the photos to see them bigger, but you can also find the very high resolution versions on the captions above. You can download and print them for your personal use but please don't use them in any commercial project. I believe that this isn't right without my permission but also without the permission of Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona and other copyright holders.
Here you can see some details:
These artworks are created to be viewed in very big sizes. You can click the photos to see them bigger, but you can also find the very high resolution versions on the captions above. You can download and print them for your personal use but please don't use them in any commercial project. I believe that this isn't right without my permission but also without the permission of Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona and other copyright holders.
Here you can see some details:

Made with custom developed scripts, hacks and lots of love, using my Mac, Studio Artist, the Adobe Creative Suite and good Spanish music.
Lionel Messi's portraits are partially based on photos by AGIF, Christian Bertrand, Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley, Maxisport and Photo Works (Shutterstock).
Ceramic tiles, fragments from dinnerware, azulejo paintings from hundreds of artists have been used. I have used parts from pieces from all over Spain and the Iberic peninsula. Many parts from the Gaudi's Park Güell mosaics have also been used. Unfortunately it's impossible to give credit to all the photographers or artists, but I am really grateful for their work.
These artworks are created by Charis Tsevis and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) scheme. Please read the CC license. You can download them, print them and enjoy them for personal use, but you have to give me credit and you can't use them for any commercial project.
This is just a personal project, not affiliated with Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona, Nike, Adidas or any other respected brand.
Made with custom developed scripts, hacks and lots of love, using my Mac, Studio Artist, the Adobe Creative Suite and good Spanish music.
Lionel Messi's portraits are partially based on photos by AGIF, Christian Bertrand, Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley, Maxisport and Photo Works (Shutterstock).
Ceramic tiles, fragments from dinnerware, azulejo paintings from hundreds of artists have been used. I have used parts from pieces from all over Spain and the Iberic peninsula. Many parts from the Gaudi's Park Güell mosaics have also been used. Unfortunately it's impossible to give credit to all the photographers or artists, but I am really grateful for their work.
These artworks are created by Charis Tsevis and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) scheme. Please read the CC license. You can download them, print them and enjoy them for personal use, but you have to give me credit and you can't use them for any commercial project.
This is just a personal project, not affiliated with Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona, Nike, Adidas or any other respected brand.