Last two years my art college best friend Paolo Guidobbono and me had the great chance and honor to work for the advertising campaigns of the Lega Basket. Paolo has created a detailed branding and logotype system for LBA and for all its events. My role was to create a series of illustrations for the main events like the kickstart of the season, the Super Cup weekend, the final 8, the Wheelchair championship etc.
We have chosen my neofuturistic visual language to associate the communications of LBA with the Futurist art that is always in the heart of the Italians, as Italy is the birthplace of the movement, but to also follow the principles of dynamicism, evolution and intelligence.
Color wise the illustrations are following the logo and branding system. But as you can see some strokes from the sponsors colors have also been used.
Here is the result of our work.
The illustrations:

The Logotype system

The posters:

The space graphics

Some details from the illustrations

Production: Foolbite agency, Monza, IT
Art Direction: Paolo Guidobono, Michele Sartori
Logo Design: Paolo Guidobono, Monza, IT
Illustration: Charis Tsevis, Paphos, CY
Photos: PG