Giannis Antetokounmpo is one of my personal heroes. You probably know him by now as one of the best NBA players even if he is just 23 years old. But Giannis is not just an incredible athlete. He is a rare character and a charismatic personality. Giannis grew up in Sepolia, the same neighborhood as I did, but 27 years later. It's one of the difficult areas of Athens where life can be tough especially if you are the son of a Nigerian illegal immigrant.
But Giannis did it. Even before the NBA, he managed not just to survive but to earn what he needed for a healthy lifestyle. And when NBA came to his life he took the challenge to the max. I am really proud of him especially knowing how this guy is still loyal to his principles.
This is not the first time I have created something for Giannis. Some years ago when I have been asked to represent Greece in an international fashion art exhibition in Brussels, I decided to chose Giannis as my subject and I painted an haute coutoure dress with his portrait. Some months ago while I was experimenting with one of my favorite subjects which is maps I came up with a mosaic portrait of Giannis based on the actual map of our neighborhood. I have decided to use photos and images from that part of the Athens, especially of its walls and street art. My portrait was just a tribute to a person I admire and I have just published it on my social media. It became an instant viral theme especially after Giannis reposted it on his instagram and other accounts. The media buzz that this post created was followed by a proposal from Nike EMEA to use my work as part of their interior design of the special area dedicated to Giannis at their flagship Athens store and other locations. Obviously I was very happy to collaborate with them.
You can see my mosaic portrait, some details and a making of. You can also find bellow some photos from the central Athens Nike store in Syntagma Square.
Thanks Giannis! May you always be #AKidFromSepolia.
This is not the first time I have created something for Giannis. Some years ago when I have been asked to represent Greece in an international fashion art exhibition in Brussels, I decided to chose Giannis as my subject and I painted an haute coutoure dress with his portrait. Some months ago while I was experimenting with one of my favorite subjects which is maps I came up with a mosaic portrait of Giannis based on the actual map of our neighborhood. I have decided to use photos and images from that part of the Athens, especially of its walls and street art. My portrait was just a tribute to a person I admire and I have just published it on my social media. It became an instant viral theme especially after Giannis reposted it on his instagram and other accounts. The media buzz that this post created was followed by a proposal from Nike EMEA to use my work as part of their interior design of the special area dedicated to Giannis at their flagship Athens store and other locations. Obviously I was very happy to collaborate with them.
You can see my mosaic portrait, some details and a making of. You can also find bellow some photos from the central Athens Nike store in Syntagma Square.
Thanks Giannis! May you always be #AKidFromSepolia.

See some photos from the area dedicated to Giannis Antetokounmpo at the Nike Shop in the center of Athens (Syntagma square).
See some photos from the area dedicated to Giannis Antetokounmpo at the Nike Shop in the center of Athens (Syntagma square).

Some details from the mosaic:

Many thanks to Giannis Antetokounmpo, Mary Ieromonahou and everyone at Nike EMEA, Nike Hellas and FFGroup.