MGMA is the acronym of the American Medical Group Management Association. I had the pleasure to collaborate with their advertising and branding partner, BrandJuice, and create a series of 10 mosaic illustrations for MGMA's new branding identity.
10 hand gestures have been chosen by BrandJuice to symbolise 10 different sectors and areas of focus. I had to transform these hand gestures to mosaics made with icons, words and the MGMA letters.

All 10 mosaics.

Knowledge expansion mosaic illustration.

Knowledge expansion second mosaic illustration.

Member network mosaic illustration.

Member network second mosaic illustration.

Government advocacy mosaic illustration.

Government advocacy second mosaic illustration.

Career connect mosaic illustration.

Career connect mosaic illustration.

Data insight mosaic illustration.

Data insight second mosaic illustration.

Many thanks to Heather Thill and John Bellina and everyone at Brandjuice and MGMA.